09 April 2007

Fare thee well, Johnny Hart

Tip o' the hat: Johhny Hart passed away on Saturday. He brought us B.C. Rock and created Wizard of Id. Great stuff.


Anonymous said...

Yeah. Learned this this morning and, of course, thought of contacting cheek. Going to be missed. Apropos tmesis. Fare thee well indeed.

Whitenoise said...

He was good, wasn't he? :-(

CheekierMeSly said...

"tmesis" - new word for me. Spanks, gAnon, for expanding Kernan's horizons! I do tmesising regularly, but didn't know there was a word for it. Fanf*ckingtastic!

Anonymous said...

Well, it is anon's wont to see and attend to cheek's -gasms when possible.