06 September 2007

Brefkast Yummies

Made broccoli and spinach quiches for frozen future brefkast offerings for my FloridaFolks, but my favorite consumption during the visit was french toast with bananas and blueberries, bacon, and homemade blueberry syrup, enjoyed on their lovely front patio. I've illusions of one day having a bed & breakfast - would this meal float your boat?


country mouse said...

Imagine Homer Simpson's voice followed by his drooling: "Mmmm, french toast with homemade blueberry syrup and bacon . . . "

Yep--my boat is afloat : )

Various and Sunday said...

This meal would totally entice me to book reservations at Chez Cheek. Yum! Homemade boo-berry syrup! Wow!

Sheena said...

Are you already planning menus for late oct???

Anonymous said...

My wife made some of those a few days ago- we had tofu or some kind of soy in there- good stuff!